

Please read this carefully and note what we are saying.

The first amendment states:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to the petition of the government for a redress of grievances." Also meaning that we have the right to print and post anything we want to because it is our opinion.

Please read over these simple guidelines before continuing on the page:
~We are not jealous of Shmandy.
~Everything on this page is our opinion.
~We don't wish her death or any harm, we just hope to crush her career.
~Want to email us hate mail? Go ahead, just remember that we have the right to post all your information and mock you if you act like a moron.
~Don't send us chain letters, if you do we will sign your email address up with a porn site so they will spam your address.
~We have the right to post and comment on any pictures or articles we want to.
~We are not making you read this disclaimer or anything on our page. So instead of emailing us and telling us we suck, leave, cause we really don't care what you have to say!! You are reading everything with your own free will.
~We do curse on this page, so if you are immature and can't handle harsh words, get your ass out of here!
~A lot of the stuff on this page can be pretty mean, depending on how you take it. It is not meant to offend anyone, except Shmandy. We just hope to let everyone know about her so they won't support her..
~We don't care if Nick has a girlfriend, dates or whatever else. So don't go saying that we need to accept the fact that he dates, because we have and frankly, don't care. We just don't like ManDUH and hope that he will find someone who will actually respect him and his fans.

Do you like Manduh? Can't stand opinions that don't match your own?

[email protected] You know you want to!
